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Writer's pictureAlison Riling-Bourbeau

Time Flies When You're... What Day Is It Again?

We're in the peak of month three over here! For those of you who haven't had a little one in awhile/yet, here's the breakdown. This month is all about:


Leap 4 (which is a HUGE one)

Sleep Regression

Addiction to Mama


Pay attention to me!!!

I've decided that from now on, the moment that I realize Benjamin & I have finally gotten a handle on some sort of schedule... I will tell no one. It seems that every time I do, the next day he switches things on me! And I'm sure you mamas out there know exactly what I'm talking about. One day we'd realized that our beautiful angel was sleeping 5-6 hour stretches (at the wrong part of the night, but that's okay) and then the very next day he was up ready to party every 3 hours! One day he was drinking 5.5 ounces every 3 hours and the next we're lucky to get him to take 4 ounces. It just never ends!

There are days when I feel like I'm doing this sleep training thing all wrong and then other days when I have to remind myself that this is just part of raising an infant and that he's right on track. Anyone else in the same boat?

Don't get me wrong, I love that my little one wants me so much. I enjoy knowing that he will always fall asleep in the comfort of my arms. I could sit there for hours just watching him sleep peacefully on my chest. However, I also know that I need to keep up with the chores around the house & while my boss has been super lenient about my work schedule from home - I need to make sure I'm getting enough done to show that I'm worth keeping as an employee. There are just not enough hours in the day (and not nearly enough energy drinks) to get everything done. I feel like the pile of clean laundry that's been sitting in my living room for 4 days judges me all day long. Those dirty bottles just waiting to be cleaned mock me knowing I cannot keep up - and then they tell the Baby Brezza to join in on the fun by needing to be cleaned at the most inconvenient times. Don't forget about those diaper blowouts that come right when you're about to sit down and clock in for work.

But if there's one thing I remind myself of daily it's this: I am not a superhero. I know we all go into parenthood thinking we are going to be the best parents ever. We want to have it all: the perfect baby, the clean house, the career, the happy relationship/marriage, free time, etc. Ha! What a joke, right? There will be days where your perfect angel baby will be screaming his head off for no reason and you'll have to put him down, walk away, and take a breath because you're about to lose your cool (or you just start crying too, because that definitely happens). There will be days that you won't even go near your kitchen to look at the dirty dishes because you know there's no time (or energy) to even turn the sink on. There will be days where you remember being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job in itself, and even attempting to get a sufficient amount of work for your job done daily is not realistic. And there will be days where you send your significant other to the guest room to sleep because you've been up all night long & the sound of him sleeping peacefully next to you is completely infuriating. Oh, and free time will most likely consist of you sitting on the couch by yourself in silence, not wanting to even move a muscle. Or on a good day, it might just mean a hot shower. That is the reality of being a new mama. Don't let anyone make you think like their journey in parenthood is perfect, because there's just no way. And if there is someone out there whose life with a newborn is filled with rainbows and sunshine, I need to meet them. Immediately.

The best thing we can do during these trying first few months (or years?) is remind ourselves that we are only human, and doing the best we can for our little ones - and our families - is what makes us the 'best parent ever'. Love that little one with all your heart, be as decent of a spouse/partner as you can, and take it one day at a time. I hear the end result is pretty amazing - so we just need to stick it out during the rough days!! I know seeing my Benjamin's smile makes it all worth it in the end.

Hang in there mamas. We're all doing great and we will get through this!

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